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#1 2016-07-23 01:13:49

From: Poland
Registered: 2016-07-22
Posts: 40
Windows 7Opera 38.0.2220.41

The Settlers 4 Editor

The Settlers 4 Editor is a project of decoding The Settlers 4 and trying to make as much options to manipulate as we can.

On my channel you can see video of example what we can do in this project, here is a link -

Currently, what is done:
- Got some offsets in S4_Main.exe file to manipulate a lot of things
- Graphic to Settlers 4 editor program is done
- Did a lot of tests and a lot of options that i could change is working

What is not done:
- Seccurity issues while using The Settlers 4 editor program (S4_Main is crashing, I need to fix patcher and make user unaviable to make a mistake)
- Testing some offsets

If you guys would like to help, have some notes etc just please write in the The Settlers 4 Editor - questions topic in Project - questions forum.

Enjoy [dblpt])

Check out my youtube channel :

Any questions? Just write me a private message [dblpt])


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